Office Cleaning Checklists for Commercial Spaces and Buildings

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An office building or commercial space is often divided into distinct sections based on the type of business being conducted. This includes common workspaces, bathrooms, kitchens, conference rooms, and so on. Each of these areas within an office require their own cleaning supplies when it comes to effectively sanitizing a space.

In this article, we present a list of office cleaning checklists for commercial spaces and buildings. These office cleaning checklist items will ensure that every area within an office space gets the attention they deserve.

Daily Office Cleaning Checklist

The following office cleaning checklist tasks need to be carried out on a daily basis in order to preserve the hygiene levels of your office or commercial space.

Office and Reception Area

  1. Empty out the trash from the garbage bins and replace the garbage bags in the bins with fresh bags.
  2. Try to either sweep or vacuum hard floor surfaces.
  3. Make sure to vacuum tangles and covers.
  4. It is important to dust the furniture and equipment in the office on a daily basis. This includes all the seats, tables, and electronic equipment such as computers and printers.
  5. Use a soaked cloth to disinfect all the level surfaces.
  6. Use disinfectant cleaners to mop the hard floors.
  7. Make sure to clean the glass windows in the office with a glass cleaner liquid.
  8. Use a disinfectant to clean all surfaces and dividers.

Bathrooms or Restrooms

  1. Begin by disinfecting the toilets and urinals.
  2. Make sure to refill all the essentials such as hand soap, toilet paper, and paper towels.
  3. Give the mirrors and windows a proper cleaning.
  4. Disinfect all the surfaces of the bathroom thoroughly. This includes all the handles as well as any fixtures such as the hand dryer accessory.
  5. Eject the watermarks and clean all divisions.
  6. End the cleaning session by mopping the floor and tiles of the bathroom.

Kitchen or Pantry

  1. Empty and replace all the garbage bins in the kitchen.
  2. Make sure to wipe the counters, sink, tables, and chair thoroughly.
  3. You should refill the essentials such as hand soap, dish washing liquid, and kitchen towels.
  4. End by mopping the kitchen floor.
daily office cleaning checklist
If you need professional help or a thorough office cleaning, then feel free to reach out to us to learn more about our office cleaning packages.

Weekly Office Cleaning Checklist

These office cleaning checklist tasks are just as important as the daily ones if not more, except that they only need to be carried out on a weekly basis.

  1. Begin by polishing all the hard floor surfaces properly.
  2. Give the glass surfaces a complete wipe down, and this includes all exterior surfaces as well.
  3. The refrigerator needs to be cleaned every week as well, along with the microwave and any other kitchen appliance. Sanitize and deep clean these appliances.
  4. Use a disinfectant on all consoles and telephones.
  5. Run a vacuum on all carpets and mats.
  6. End by giving the sink and tiles in the restroom a good scrubbing. Scrub the tiles in the kitchen area as well.

Monthly Office Cleaning Checklist

Last, but not the least, we have the monthly office cleaning checklist. These cleaning tasks or particulars need to be executed once every four to six weeks at the most to maintain the hygiene of your office space.

  1. All the vents in the office, along with the furniture, will need to be vacuumed.
  2. Remove and clean all the window covers.
  3. Ensure that you dust and disinfect all the spots in the office that are difficult to reach. During this point, clean the highest points in the office as well which includes the ceiling fans, cabinets, and windows.
  4. Use a wooden polish to give all hardwood surfaces and wooden furniture a proper shine.
  5. You can end the monthly cleaning tasks by organizing and decluttering the office wardrobes and drawers. This includes discarding any unnecessary documents and files that are occupying needless space.
weekly and monthly office cleaning checklist

Hygiene First

After the explosion of the pandemic last year, a new expression has been coined which states that an office is only as strong as its employee with the weakest immunity. If 2023 has taught us anything, it is that hygiene comes first. 

Keeping this message in mind, we hope that the office cleaning checklist presented above will allow you to regularly clean your commercial space and preserve the health of the entire team.

Make sure to visit our blog today for more handy cleaning tips and cleaning checklist guides!

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