What to do about Bathroom Mold?
Maintaining a bathroom isn’t easy. Bathrooms are constantly kept moist from regular usage, which can become a breeding ground for mold and mildew that can make your home look grimey and smell musty. Bathroom mold spores can also be harmful to your health when inhaled, so best to nip the problem in the bud.
In this guide, we’ll be showing you tips and tricks to effectively clear your bathroom from mold and mildew. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of bathroom mold, how to get rid of mold on bathroom walls, how to get rid of black mold in shower, and how to remove mold in bathroom sink drain.
Note: If you are allergic to bathroom mold, make sure to wear a mask and gloves while cleaning!
How to Get Rid of Black Mold from the Bathroom
Having problems with black mold? Black mold is one of the most hazardous types especially if you have mold allergies. Seek a professional if you think the black mold in your bathroom is the toxic Stachybotrys chartarum, which appears after prolonged moisture. If not, then proceed with our tips on removing unsightly black mold, which may require some stronger chemical cleaners.

What You’ll Need
- Anti-fungal Cleaner (like Clorox Antifungal)
- Mild Soap
- Water
- Bleach
- Scrub Brush (old toothbrush, abrasive scrubber)
- Gloves and Mask
Step-by-Step Process
- Clean Areas: Clean the entire area using mild soap and water, focusing on mold spots. Cleaning the entire area does not only expose visible mold, but also clears mold that is not seen by the naked eye.
- Wipe Dry: After cleaning, wipe the area dry in preparation for the anti-fungal cleaner.
- Apply Anti-fungal Cleaner: Use a scrub brush or cloth to apply the anti-fungal cleaner directly on mold spots, grout, tiles, and around water fixtures like faucets. Let the cleaner sit for 30 minutes to an hour. As the cleaner sits, it kills mold and mildew from the roots and prevents spores from creating new colonies.
- Scrub out Mold: Use a scrub brush to remove dead mold. Focus on mold spots and colonies. Stains that remain can be removed later.
- Rinse: Rinse the entire area thoroughly with water and let dry completely.
- Treat Stains: Using a diluted bleach solution, spray directly on stained areas and allow the bleach to lift stains. Rinse out and repeat until stains are gone.
How to Get Rid of Mold from the Bathroom Ceiling
Ceilings are the last place you’d think to grow mold, but they’re actually ideal breeding ground for mold and mildew due to ceilings being typically undisturbed. Bathroom ceilings, too, are in a high-humidity area and are frequently damp, which makes for perfect environments for mold.
We’ll be looking at two methods on how to get rid of mold on bathroom ceilings: Vinegar Method, which is milder and safer, and Bleach Method, which requires a bit of elbow grease and time.

Vinegar Method
What You’ll Need
- Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Clean Water
- Step Ladder
- Basin
- Scrub Brush (old toothbrush, abrasive scrubber)
- Gloves and Mask
Step-by-Step Process
- Spray Vinegar: Spray vinegar around mold spots and frequently moist areas, making sure to avoid lighting and electrical fixtures.
- Let Sit: Let the vinegar sit for at least one hour, then wipe off and let the areas dry.
- Make Baking Soda Solution: Mix together baking soda and water to make a paste, and spot clean the solution on mold areas.
- Scrub: Scrub the baking soda solution using an old toothbrush or a scrubber. Let the paste sit until dry.
- Remove Paste: Wipe off the dried paste, catching falling crumbles with a basin.
Bleach Method
What You’ll Need
- Mild Soap
- Water
- Bleach
- Borax
- Scrubber (old toothbrush or abrasive sponge)
- Gloves and Mask
Step-by-Step Process
- Wash the Area: Create a mild soap solution with soap and water. Use a sponge to clean off any surface mold around affected areas in your ceiling. Try to remove as much grime as possible.
- Let Dry: Wipe off any excess soap solution. Let the areas dry.
- Dilute Bleach: Dilute bleach in water in a 1:10 ratio. Undiluted bleach may be too harsh for ceiling material, and is irritating on skin, eyes, and lungs. Use with caution.
- Spray Bleach Solution: Spray bleach solution around affected areas. Let sit for 30 minutes.
- Re-apply Solution: After time has passed, re-apply a second layer of bleach solution, ensuring to get into the nooks and crannies.
- Let Dry Completely: Let the solution dry completely. Wipe off any lifted mold or stains. Wipe off any dried drippings with a damp rag. Repeat weekly until stains are gone.
- Treat Ceiling: Mix borax and water to create a gentle mold-preventive solution. Spray around areas in your ceiling which are frequently damp. Avoid electrical fixtures. Let the solution dry and re-apply at least every two months to prevent bacterial and fungal growth.
How to Get Rid of Mold from the Bathroom Walls
Though usually tiled, bathroom walls frequently get moisture from showers, spillage, and splashes. Bathrooms are also high-humidity areas, so mold can easily grow within walls and cause irreversible structural damage when not treated properly.
For bathroom walls, best to use a mild, yet powerful cleaning solution instead of harsh chemicals like bleach. Borax is a mineral powder that is effective in killing mold, yet does not badly affect most surfaces.

What You’ll Need
- Soap
- Borax
- Water
- Old Toothbrush
- Gloves and Mask
Step-by-Step Process
- Make Borax Solution: Mix together 1 cup of borax and 1 gallon of water to create a powerful, mold-killing formula that lifts stains from deep within grout.
- Spray Solution: Spray the solution directly on mold spots and frequently moist areas (like shower areas, around sinks, and toilets.
- Let Sit: Let the solution sit. As the borax penetrates deep into porous surfaces, it kills mold and mold spores at the root and loosens stains. Re-apply spray if the first application has dried.
- Scrub Away: Use an old toothbrush to scrub away at dead mold and dirt, making sure to use a non-abrasive scrubber to avoid scraping away the grout. Wipe the area clean to remove mold residue.
- Repeat: To properly get rid of mold from bathroom walls, repeat the steps weekly, especially for high-humidity areas like showers and toilets.
How to Get Rid of Mold from the Bathroom Tiles
Bathroom tiles, especially within the grout between the tiles, commonly grow mold with regular use. To keep your bathroom looking pristine, removing mold is a must. Thankfully, there are a multitude of ways to get rid of bathroom mold on tiles.
Using a tile and floor cleaner not only clears mold, but also keeps your tiles looking shiny and new. Take it a step further with tile polish to give your bathroom that squeaky clean look and feel.

What You’ll Need
- Tile and Floor Cleaner (like Stone Care: Mold & Mildew Stain Remover)
- Scrub Brush (old toothbrush, abrasive scrubber)
- Gloves
- Tile Polish (Optional)
Step-by-Step Process
- Apply Tile and Floor Cleaner: Use tile and floor cleaner according to package instructions.
- Scrub Tough Stains: Use a scrub brush or abrasive sponge to get in between the tiles, in the grout, and in hard to reach areas.
- Rinse: Rinse off solution if needed. If not needed, wipe away the solution or let it dry before wiping off dead mold and grime.
- Repeat: Because mold colonies commonly make their home between tiles, best to repeat the cleaning process at least once a week to effectively get rid of mold on bathroom tiles.
How to Get Rid of Bathroom Mold from the Shower Head
The shower head is one of the fixtures that is constantly in contact with moisture, hence, making it the perfect environment for water stains, soap scum, mineral deposits, and mold. Not many people think about the water coming out of their shower head when it's infested with mold colonies and spores, which can be detrimental to your health in the long run.

What You’ll Need
- Distilled Water (do not use mineral or hard water)
- Dish Soap
- Vinegar
- Plastic Bag
- Rubber Bands
- Old Toothbrush
- Gloves and Mask
Step-by-Step Process
- Make Clearing Solution: Mix together equal parts distilled water and vinegar. Add in a couple of teaspoons of dish soap. Do not use laundry detergent or other harsh soaps.
- Place in Plastic Bag: Place the solution in a leak-free plastic bag that is big enough to fit your shower head. Ensure the shower head is fully submerged in the clearing solution. Use rubber bands to secure the plastic bag on the shower head.
- Let Sit: Let the shower head soak in the clearing solution for a couple of hours or overnight. The clearing solution will work to kill mold, unclog shower head pores, remove water stains and calcium build up, and clear mildew.
- Remove Plastic Bag and Brush: After letting the solution sit, remove the plastic bag. The solution should be murky and have floating bits of dirt and mold. Discard plastic bag. Brush the shower head to remove any residual dirt.
- Rinse: Run the shower, and rinse the shower head. Repeat once a month.
How to Get Rid of Bathroom Mold from the Sink
Like showers, sinks are also susceptible to mold growth as it is constantly moist. From the faucet, to the grout, to the drain, mold spores can settle anywhere and start new colonies.
Sinks go beyond just cleaning, but constant treatment can prevent mold from re-growing after removal. Remember to use a proper grout cleaner to avoid corroding your grout with harsh chemicals and creating weak spots for leaks to occur.
What You’ll Need
- Mold and Mildew Remover or Grout Cleaner (like Black Diamond Grout Cleaner)
- Old Toothbrush
- Scrubber
- Gloves and Mask
- Diluted Vinegar (Optional)
Step-by-Step Process
- Dilute Cleaner: Dilute concentrated cleaner in water, following the instructions on the label. Skip step if cleaner is ready-to-use type.
- Spray Solution: Spray the cleaning solution around the sink, making sure to spray the faucet, grout, and drain. Let the solution sit for a couple of minutes to seep, kill mold, and lift stains from surfaces.
- Brush Faucet: Using an old toothbrush, brush the faucet and other fixtures to release stuck mold and dirt.
- Scrub Sink: Using an abrasive scrubber, scrub sink area, grout, and around the drain until stains lighten or completely come off.
- Rinse: Rinse out the faucet, sink, and drain to wash away any residue. Repeat steps at least once a month.
- (Optional) Finish with Vinegar: Dilute vinegar in water with a 1:1 ratio and wipe around sink and faucet. Ensure the cleaner is thoroughly rinsed off, or is compatible with vinegar.
Cleaning Tips and Reminders
- Never mix vinegar and bleach together. Many online resources will talk of a solution consisting of the two to kill mold, but vinegar and bleach can create toxic chlorine gas, which is irritating to eyes, lungs, and skin.
- Always wear gloves when handling cleaning supplies, especially if you have sensitive skin. Make sure to have proper ventilation.
- Wear a protective mask when dealing with mold to prevent the inhalation of mold spores. Particularly when dealing with unknown black mold, best to wear protective gear.
How to Prevent Mold Growth in the Bathroom
Prevention is key in getting rid of bathroom mold for good. Maintain a proper cleaning schedule, and minimize moisture lingering on tiles and grout as much as possible to prevent mold from breeding.
- Install an exhaust fan - Mold loves moisture. The bathroom makes for ideal mold environments due to its high humidity and low airflow. An exhaust fan would circulate the air and prevent mold spores from staying in your bathroom and growing in its ideal environment. Exhaust fans also reduce humidity and promote good airflow.
- Wipe areas dry - Keeping areas dry is a surefire way to stop mold from growing, as mold needs moisture to survive. Wipe areas, like sinks, faucets, and countertops to prevent moisture from lingering and harbouring mold. Make sure to get into the nooks and crannies too.
- Maintain a consistent cleaning schedule - Proper cleaning and maintenance is sure to prevent mold from growing. Use anti-fungal, mold prevention solutions to stop mold spores from rooting within your tiles and grouts. Multiple ready-to-use solutions are available to specifically target mold.
Say Goodbye to Mold in the Bathroom
Maintaining cleanliness in all areas of your home is more than just for appearances. When it comes to dirt, grime, and mold, organizing cleaning habits can improve your health and prevent you and your family from getting ill.
The bathroom is an especially important space, as it is where we clean ourselves. Hence, upkeep in the bathroom is essential in having a healthy home. Getting rid of bathroom mold will take a while, but with consistent sanitation, you’ll be able to rid your home from mold entirely. When in doubt, seek professional cleaning services Singapore to thoroughly clean and sanitize your living space.
Pick up the phone and call Luce when you're too busy to handle those cleaning responsibilities, and we'll talk with you about a home cleaning plan that works for you!