A clean and clutter-free office is the key to a productive and creative working environment.
It gives you more time to do your tasks properly without having to look for that file you swore you put on top of this file or that pen that just kept on disappearing right when you needed to write something important.
It also keeps distractions at bay and lowers your stress levels. Sounds good, right?
But if having to declutter your home office or company desk gives you stress as much as having a messy workspace desk, don’t worry, because this step-by-step guide will save you!
A Step-by-Step Guide to a Clutter-Free Office Desk
Now, decluttering your working space or even home office might look intimidating, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be.
All you have to do is to follow this step-by-step guide and you’re good to go.
1. Clear and Remove Everything
The first step is to remove everything — yes, every single thing — from your home office or workspace desk. Don’t decide just yet which to throw away and which to keep, you have plenty of time to do it later. For now, remove the items on your desktop, in your drawers, and in your shelves.
Then, pile them neatly on the floor, in a box, or even in a separate room, whichever works best for you.
Now is the time to clean your office desk. Wipe down all surfaces of your desk properly, make sure you’re wiping all the sides and corners of the drawers and shelves, too. Don’t forget to clean your computer and your keyword as well.
2. Sort and Assess Each Item
Now that you have all your items piled up, it’s time to sort and assess each item. Identify which ones spark joy (or productivity, for this matter) and which ones do not.
To easily sort your items, consider creating three piles: To Keep, To Archive, To Throw.
Put the items that you use frequently in the “To Keep” pile. This can include items that you use for your daily and weekly work like pens, note pads, schedules, and the like.
The “To Archive” pile should include important files and documents that you will be needing but doesn’t have to be an arms-length away all the time.
The “To Throw” pile should contain items that you can, and that you probably should, throw away like broken pens, unnecessary papers, useless cords, excess office supplies and really all the other things that are just making your office desk messy and distracting.
3. Wipe and Disinfect Everything
Throw away, or donate if still usable, all of the items in the “To Throw” pile. Then, make sure to clean and disinfect all the items in the other two piles. It only makes sense to clean the items before putting them back on your clean desk.
4. Rearrange and Organize Everything
Before putting all the items back, analyze the layout of your desk first, and consider rearranging your items, especially if you find that you always have a cluttered space.
Keep the items that you frequently use close to you, and store your other items in the drawers and shelves, away from your working space, so you can keep it clean and clutter-free.
5. Use Dividers, Shelves, and Cabinets to Maintain Order
Instead of just putting everything on your desk in a scattered and messy pile, you can make use of dividers, shelves, cabinets to make your space organized efficiently. By doing this, you can avoid messy piles of paper and books all over your desk.
This way, you can also easily find the item that you’re looking for, without rummaging through all the contents of your desk, shelves, and drawers.
6. Always Put Items Back in Their Right Place
To make sure your desk is neat and organized at all times, make a habit of always putting items back in their respective places. This way, you can avoid misplacing things, and you can easily find items right when you need them. It helps your desk look clean and organized, and makes you do your work more efficiently, too.
7. Clean and Declutter Your Desk Regularly
Tidying up every day will help you keep your office desk cleaner and clutter-free longer, plus you don’t have to worry about cleaning the next morning, you can just start working so you can get a lot done.
Declutter Your Office in No Time
If you made it here, congratulations! You now have an organized, clean, and clutter-free office desk that will surely boost your creativity and your productivity. Just make sure to keep it that way.
However, if your office space needs some deep cleaning, then it’s time to consider hiring a professional office cleaning team in Singapore who can help you make your office clean and organized in no time. Schedule a free consultation with us today to get started!