There's nothing like crashing onto your living room sofa after a long and tiring day, but when you notice anything from tough stains to funky smells, it's time to do some couch cleaning. And while a professional cleaning or a steam cleaner is a great way to clean a fabric couch, you might now have the time for either of those cleaning methods.
In that case, there's no reason to worry because here are a few ways of how to clean a fabric sofa by yourself with some simple household ingredients and products.
Things to Remember

Before anything, you should check the cleaning tag of your couch for the manufacturer's cleaning instructions and the recommended cleaning method for your couch fabric and material. This is represented by a cleaning code.
What it Means
The fabric can be cleaned with a mild detergent and a steam vacuum or with a dry cleaning solution or detergent.
The fabric can only be cleaned with a dry cleaning solution or detergent.
The fabric can only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and cannot be exposed to any water.
The fabric can be cleaned with water and water based cleaners.
While this article covers different ways to clean a fabric sofa, the manufacturer's instructions should always be your primary reference when cleaning your couch.
How to Clean Sofa Fabric with White Vinegar and Dish Soap

Step 1: Prepare the Fabric Couch
When cleaning a fabric couch, it's always important to begin by running a vacuum cleaner over the entire couch, preferably with a brush attachment. This will help remove any loose dirt, debris, and even pet hair from the surface and crevices to make cleaning much easier.
Step 2: Make Your Cleaning Solution
While there are many commercial cleaning solutions available in the market, you can also make your own with 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 3/4 cup of warm water and a tablespoon of mild dish soap. All you need to do is combine these ingredients in a spray bottle.
Step 3: Remove Stains
With your stain remover solution in a spray bottle, use this to lightly spray the stained area until it's damp. Then, get a soft cloth and lightly dab on the area until the stain is completely lifted.
Finally, return to the area with a clean damp cloth lightly soaked with warm water and use this to remove any remnants of soap that could have been left behind. Get a dry microfiber cloth or towel to dry the area.
How to Clean a Fabric Sofa with Baking Soda

Step 1: Prepare the Fabric Couch
Begin your couch cleaning by running a vacuum cleaner over your fabric sofa with a brush attachment or an upholstery attachment. Make sure to cover the entire sofa, including around and under the couch cushions to remove as much debris and loose dirt as possible.
Step 2: Make Your Cleaning Solution
Baking soda is a great household ingredient when cleaning your fabric sofa. If you find yourself dealing with foul odors, simply apply baking soda over the entire sofa as baking soda acts as a natural deodorizer. It can also help further loosen stains and lift away any grease stains.
If you're facing any stubborn stains, you can make an effective baking soda solution by mixing together equal parts of baking soda and warm water in a bowl.
Step 3: Remove Stains
This is where you begin sprinkling baking soda or spreading the baking soda cleaning solution over the stained area. Either way, you'll want to let the baking soda sit for around 15 to 20 minutes.
After the time has passed, any sprinkled baking soda can be cleaned up with a vacuum. If you opted for the baking soda paste, you can clean this up by using a damp cloth to gently blot and dab at the baking soda until it has been completely removed, making sure to rinse out the damp cloth as much as needed.
Step 4: Let Fabric Sofa Air Dry
Once finished, make sure that any moisture is completely removed by dabbing on the stained area with a dry towel. When you've removed as much moisture as you can, let the sofa air dry.
How to Keep Your Fabric Sofa Clean Longer

Clean Stains Immediately
The most important rule to cleaning a fabric sofa is to attach stains as soon as they appear. It might seem like an inconvenience, but addressing stains as they come will not only prevent them from absorbing deeper into your fabric furniture, but it can also help make cleaning much easier in the future.
With that, it's also worth saying that you should never aggressively rub at a stain as this might only worsen it. When confronting a stain on your fabric couches, it's always better to gently wipe and blot at it.
Do a Routine Cleaning
Another great way to stop the stains from getting too bad is to do a thorough cleaning regularly. This will help you spot any stains you might have missed, while also letting you get the crumbs and debris that might have slipped in between sofa cushions. Developing this habit will also help you maintain a cleaner household more easily.
Spot Test Before Using Chemicals
While this article covered a few homemade cleaning solutions that you can use to clean a fabric sofa, commercial cleaners do just as good of a job. However, make sure that you always spot test these cleaners on an inconspicuous area on your couch cushions to make sure that the cleaner doesn't damage the fabric in any way.
When in Doubt, Call Luce SG
Doing a regular cleaning of your fabric sofa is always a great habit to get into, but when you don't have the time or energy to squeeze it into your overflowing schedule, Luce SG is here to take your worries away.
Our well-trained and experienced cleaners will make keeping a clean household seem easy and effortless.
Send us a message and schedule a cleaning appointment today!