Our toothbrush appears to be on our side in our fight against bacteria and germs, but this accessory is secretly a double-agent. Toothbrushes and their holders are notoriously filled with various types of bacteria without our knowledge.
We’re not talking about a handful of bacteria that can be “brushed aside” in the morning. We’re talking about bacteria in the millions! A recent study showed that toothbrushes and holders can hold over 100 million bacteria, and this includes the likes of E.coli and staphylococcus.
This is why we have created a detailed walkthrough to help you sanitize and clean your toothbrush holder effectively in the article below.
Why Is It Important to Clean Your Toothbrush Holder?
According to the National Sanitation Foundation, your toothbrush holder is one of the most germ-infested locations in your household.
It actually doesn’t come as much of a surprise when you think about why this is the case. We use our toothbrush to clean our mouths that’s full of bacteria to begin with. We also use our hands to grip the brush, thereby adding more germs to its surface.
When we stow away the toothbrush in a holder, we believe we’re keeping it in a safe location. In reality, however, the head of the toothbrush is usually still wet when we leave it in the holder. The moisture from the head drips down the brush and collects germs along the way. The water finally collects at the bottom of the cup in the precise region where your tooth brush hangs out comfortably.
Additionally, most toothbrush holders are located in a bathroom which isn’t the most sanitary place to begin with. The steam from the bathroom gives rise to a host of microorganisms and these creatures take up occupancy on any surface they can find, including your toothbrush holder.
Finally, a bathroom also hosts many pathogen-carrying insects such as cockroaches that are drawn to the moisture around your toothbrush holder for hydration.
When you combine all these factors, it isn’t really a shocking fact to realize that toothbrush holders need a good scrubbing from time to time.
How to Clean Toothbrush Holder: A Step-by-Step Guide
Materials Required
- Hot water
- Soap
- A small brush or pipe cleaner
- Alcohol or antibacterial mouthwash
- Time and patience
Step One: Rinse Thoroughly
The first step that you need to do to clean your toothbrush holder is to rinse the object well before using it again. In order to do this, first fill your sink with plenty of hot and soapy water. There should be enough water in the basin to submerge your holder entirely in the liquid. Make sure to get the water as hot as possible to properly sanitize the holder.
Unless your toothbrush is made of plastic, you opt to go with boiling water for this step of the process.
Make sure to leave the toothbrush holder in the building water for plenty of time and allow it to soak thoroughly. The congealed and hardened particles in the holder will be released due to the high temperatures of the water.
Once the water has cooled, clear out the sink and rinse the toothbrush holder in clean water one last time.
Step Two: Scrub the Holder
Use a long and thin, fine bristle brush to properly clean the toothbrush holder. Make sure to scrub all sections of the holder thoroughly and ensure that all visible dirt has been removed.
Step Three: Sanitization
Although the hot water should have eliminated a vast majority of the germs, your deep cleaning of the toothbrush holder is incomplete without a separate step dedicated for sanitization.
You can use an antibacterial mouthwash or pure alcohol solution to clean all the surfaces of the holder. Set aside the unit for a few minutes to let the solutions do their work.
Step Four: Rinse and Dry
Now that the hard part is over, all you need to do in the final step is to rinse the toothbrush holder in clean water one last time. Once you’ve done that, allow it to dry out entirely before placing it back in the desired location.
Other Ways to Clean a Toothbrush Holder
The method we’ve described above is only one of many ways you can go about cleaning your toothbrush holder. Some of the alternatives include using the following:
- Dishwasher - A dishwater is a great quick-fix device to help you clean out your toothbrush holder thoroughly. Place the holder along with a light load of dishes and use a cycle with hot water for best results.
- Vinegar Solution - Vinegar is an effective home-remedy for killing the germs in your toothbrush holder. Leave the unit submerged in a vinegar solution for 30 minutes for an effective cleanup.
- Bleach Solution - You can also soak the toothbrush holder in one part of bleach and 10 parts of water for 30 minutes. Make sure to clean the toothbrush holder with hot water before using it again.
An Unassuming Threat: Keep Your Toothbrush Clean
A toothbrush holder is meant to serve as our ally in the fight against germs and bacteria. Over time, however, this ally can turn into an enemy itself if you do not give it the proper attention and care.
Cleaning a toothbrush holder is relatively easy, as shown in the cleaning procedures highlighted above. This minor cleanup will go a long way in restoring the sanctity of the toothbrush that we are so intimate with on a daily basis.