6 DIY Couch Stain Removers: Best for Any Fabric & Stain

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Upholsteries are an integral part of homes and interiors. It can provide comfort and also add enhancement to the interior decor. Unfortunately, sofas and couches may go through heavy use which leads to withering and damage.

Food spills, liquid spills, or other stains can cause decolorization and damage to the upholstery. More than that, ignored stains can even lead to the growth of bacteria and germs!

Thus, if you happen to notice any fresh stain on your couch or upholstery and want to immediately clean it, you can follow this simple homemade stain remover for the couch below.

6 DIY Sofa Stain Removers That Are Easy to Make

If any accident happens to your couch, the best thing you can do to ensure there’s no stain left behind is to immediately address the situation. Clean the spills promptly with a blotting motion to ensure the stain won't spread to any part of the couch. You can also easily create these stain remover solutions using essential things that you probably already have at home

1. Baking Soda Paste

You can start to make the DIY solution by mixing equal parts baking soda and water to create a paste. Next, apply the paste to the stain and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Afterward, gently scrub the stain with a soft brush or cloth, and wipe away the residue with a damp cloth. Baking soda paste is the ultimate all-purpose stain removal for most couch fabric types. But particularly, it is best to clean grease or oil stains, it is also an excellent choice for disinfecting upholstery.

2. White Vinegar

To create the vinegar DIY solution that can effectively remove stains on your couch, you can start by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Next, spray the solution on the stain and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, before blotting the stain with a clean cloth or sponge. If you notice that the stain persists, you can repeat the whole process over and over again until the stain lightens up.

Vinegar is best used for fabric couches, such as cotton, microfiber, and polyester. It is also best for cleaning water-based stains and helps neutralize odors.

3. Lemon Juice Mixture

Lemon juice is also another best ingredient to clean stains on the couch. To make it, you can mix lemon juice with either salt or white vinegar in equal parts to create a paste. Apply the paste to the stains for 15 minutes before gently scrubbing it with a soft brush or cloth.

Another way to use lemon juice as a stain remover is by combining it with baking soda. You can sprinkle some baking soda on a stubborn stain, before squeezing fresh lemon juice over it. Afterward, gently scrub the stain with a soft brush before wiping away the residue with a damp cloth.

You can choose either one of these DIY recipes to try removing stubborn stains on your couch effectively. Lemon juice is the best homemade stain remover for a couch with light-color fabrics, as it can avoid potential bleaching effects. On top of that, it is also very effective to remove organic stains like coffee or tea.

4. Rubbing Alcohol and Detergent 

Start by mixing 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol with 1 tablespoon of liquid laundry detergent. Afterward, add 1 cup of water and stir the mixture well.

You can start applying the mixture to the stain using a clean cloth, and gently rub the stained area to work the solution into the fabric. Allow the solution to sit on the stain for about 15 minutes, before blotting the area with a clean and damp cloth to remove it.

This DIY stain remover is best for cleaning any couch with synthetic fabrics, and for removing non-water-based stains such as ink stains.

5. The Laundry Detergent Mix

This is the easiest stain remover you can make and use to address any kind of stain on your couch. Laundry detergent is very common to have in the home, thus you won't have to worry about not finding this ingredient at home.

On top of that, laundry detergent can also be used on its own to clean certain types of stains on upholstery. Thus, if you have sturdy and washable fabric such as cotton, a laundry detergent mix might be best to clean it. To create the cleaning solution, you can mix 1 tablespoon of liquid laundry detergent with 2 cups of warm water and stir the mixture until the detergent is dissolved evenly. When your cleaning solution is ready, you can set it aside first and start blotting the stain with a paper towel to remove any excess liquid. 

Next, soak a clean cloth on the cleaning solution, and gently blot or rub the stained area with the detergent-soaked cloth. Do keep in mind you have to be careful not to scrub too hard to avoid damaging the couch fabric. Allow the solution to sit on the stain for a few minutes, before blotting the area with another clean and damp cloth to remove the detergent residue.

6. Salt and Soda Water

Start by sprinkling salt on the stain and let it absorb the liquid for a few minutes. Afterward, you should remove the salt by blotting again. Next, spray the stain with soda and blot with another clean cloth. And voila, you can get a squeaky clean couch!

Soda Water is best for cleaning any delicate or color-sensitive fabrics, and it is also the best option to immediately clean spills like red wine and coffee.

Important Things to Keep in Mind for Effective Stain Removal

Be Mindful of the Sofa Fabric

It's important to check the couch fabric compatibility first before applying your DIY stain remover to prevent color bleeding, or fabric becoming rough after cleaning. To do this, what you can do before applying any DIY stain remover is to take precautions by testing on inconspicuous areas first. This step ensures compatibility with your sofa's fabric and prevents unintended damage.

Acting Promptly

To ensure you can remove any stain present on the couch or sofa you need to act promptly when a spill happens to prevent stains from setting in.

Blot Not Rub

When indeed a spill happens, remember that you should never rub it when cleaning. Always blot to ensure that the stain won’t spread to any other part of the fabric. This is especially important if you’re dealing with delicate couch fabric, to ensure you can avoid inadvertently damaging your upholstery while trying to remove stains.

Regular Maintenance

Routine cleaning is important to keep couches in pristine condition. Regular maintenance includes vacuuming, spot cleaning with a DIY couch stain remover, and hiring a professional sofa cleaning Singapore to deep clean the couch every now and then.

Get Professional Assistance to Get a Squeaky Clean Couch!

DIY sofa stain removers offer a cost-effective way to keep a couch looking brand new. But to ensure a better cleaning for your couch, you might want to consider hiring a professional assistant from Luce. Our reliable team can deep clean your sofa thoroughly with expertise and specialized tools!

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